Here are the different levels of membership. 

JOIN NOW, Support the WAI, Support Iowa Waterfowling and our outdoor heritage!

To Print off a membership form CLICK HERE (This is an Adobe pdf  file)

To Join by major credit card, click on the Subscribe link under the membership you wish to join. This sign-up is through PAYPAL, so you must register with PAYPAL. It is very quick and very secure. We thank you for your support. 

You may also print off a membership form and mail it in CLICK HERE


$10 Blue Wing Member (Under 15)    (Member receives a window decal)

New Members incentive Click here

$25 Regular Member (Member receives a window decal)

New Members incentive Click here

$60 Contributing Member (Member Receives a window decal and hat)

New Members incentive Click here

$250 Sponsor Member (Member receives Window decal, and a Clint Taylor handmade decoy)

New Members incentive Click here

$500 Patron Member (Member receives window decal, and a Acrylic Echo duck call)

New Members incentive Click here

$1,500 Life Member (Member Receives decal, hat and a Jim Hansel waterfowl Print

New Members incentive Click here

Please contact one of your zone delegate.

Thank You!

$5000 Silver Benefactor (Member receives decal, hat, Jim Hansel waterfowl print and a  commemorative plaque

New Members incentive Click here


Please contact one of your zone delegates.

Thank You!

$10,000 Gold Benefactor

(Member receives decal, hat, Jim Hansel waterfowl print and a  commemorative plaque



Please contact one of your zone delegates.

Thank You!